Over Diana Ozon

Diana Ozon is dichter, auteur, performer, tekenaar en gast- docent. Ze publiceert sinds '77 is bevlogen podiumfenomeen, treedt solo op en soms met muzikale begeleiding.


8 en 9 Juni - Amsterdam

Vurige Tongen in Ruigoord

(lees verder)

11 Mei- Amsterdam

Het Woord in Ruigoord

(lees verder)

14 April - Groningen

Stap op de Rode Loper

(lees verder)

13 April - Amsterdam

Het Woord in Ruigoord

(lees verder)

17 Maart - Eindhoven

Stap op de Rode Loper

(lees verder)

9 Maart - Amsterdam

Het Woord in Ruigoord

(lees verder)

12 Feb - Amsterdam

Poetry & Musica op Het Einde van de Wereld

(lees verder)

11 Feb - Amsterdam

Avond van de NVVE in OBA Oosterdok

(lees verder)

26 Januari - A-dam

De Vrije Bladen van Dichtersbuurt

(lees verder)

16 Februari - A-dam

Café vol Dichters in Zaal 100

(lees verder)

16 Feb - Amsterdam

Nieuwjaarsmaaltijd in de Nassaukerk

(lees verder)

13 Januari - Amsterdam

Stap op de Rode Loper in Nemo

(lees verder)

t/m 2024 - Amsterdam

Wereldmuseum, Things That Matter

(lees verder)

2022 t/m 2025 A-dam

Amsterdam Museum-vleugel in de Hermitage

(lees verder)

Leuke websites

Lehmann's praatjes

De Muziek van Louis Lehmann (1920-2012)

(lees verder) Ludwig Wisch

Wekelijks op Razo Radio

(lees verder) Oorlogsmateriaal
mag niet verloren gaan (lees verder) Olie Buma
De punkheld op wielen rolt over het web oliebuma.nl (lees verder) Mathilde muPe

MATHILDE μP Personal web overdose van een digitale pionierster.

(lees verder) simonvinkenoogpuntenel

Een website met meer dan herinnering simonvinkenoog.nl

VPRO's boekensite

hier is een leuke website over boeken

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Bestel Diana Ozons dichtbundel Zwerfzang. De bundel, 48 pagina's gebonden in harde kaft kost €19,90 en is hier verkrijgbaar.

Redactie | 29 Mei 200629 Mei - Amsterdam

Gaia Evening in galerie Visible Voice
zie: Anna van Ruigoord

Met dichters uit Marokko, Zuid Afrika, Nederland, Engeland, USA, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Palestina en Japan.
De Gaia-avond maakt deel uit van een poëziefestival van 25 t/m 31 mei. Zie programma hieronder.
Presentatie en organisatie Louise Levi.

Aanvang 20:00
Toegang gratis

Visible Voice
Oudezijdsvoorburgwal 160



25th May - lst. June  2006

OPENING may 25th: 20.00 PM
Contemplation  & concentration/books,videos & live performance/prayers, music& CDs of the underground, the underfed, the under aged/ the outraged  & the visionary. Louise Landes Levi & friends.
"no matter how many draughts of forbidden wine we drink, we will carry this raging thirst into eternity"

XITRO:tibetan practice for the dead: all welcome/this practice is dedicated to the war dead - 2001- 2006/to victims of  political assassination/ to Petra Kelly & whoever you want

8.OO- 10.OO AM
Music: 'Tous Les Matins du Monde' Improvisation/ Music Dialogue/Post-Buddhist-Punk/all welcome/


May 25th:
Celebration of the Underground Press Louise Landes Levi reads from AVENUE A & NINTH STREET & THE WATER MIRROR/ Het Water Spiegel, Shiva Stan- Kathmandu & Woodstock, NY/ Longhouse, Guilford, Vt.,USA. Il Begatto, Arcidosso, Italy, Felix Mansingh- Amsterdam, NL. Featuring poets of the above presses: Gabrielle Szmulewicz, Iriel Sayed, Shiv Mirabito, Cralan Kelder & BARBARA MOHR, translator. SELF PUBLISHED & UNPUBLISHED POETS Welcome/ Open reading 9.30 PM

May 26th:
MIRA BAI : Music & poetry of great mysic & poetic genius, Mira ,16th century, No. India/ with Dick Plukker reading fromthe Dutch. Sweet on My Lips, The Love Poems of Mira Bai. Guest scholar DORO FRANCK will read from HILDEGAARD v.BINGEN with
musical performance by MARTIN SPAINK of the texts of the 12th century European mystic.

May 27th:
AJA will host memorial event Poets of Amsterdam & Beyond/ Leo v der Zalm (Alle Begin is), Ari Visser(Con Alma), Johnny die SelfKicker(De Lieve Vrede), Pero Heliczer, Charles McGeehan & Lee Bridges. The evening will include readings from Leo v.d. Zalm's translations of Tukaram &  Bhaskar Bhattacaryya's translation fromThe East Bengal BAULS, the remarkable tantricas who uphold the siddha tradition to this day

May 28th:
HENRI MICHAUX, His life & work/ Louise Landes Levi reads her translations & her essay 'How I met & worked withthe great French Painter & poet Henri Michaux” WWW.MILKMAAG.ORG. SiMON  VINKENOOG reads from his translations into Dutch of the great master of 20th century French poetics. VERS LA COMPLETUDE. The reading will be followed by concert of SOLO SARANGI 'Poetic Death' with 'The Tambouras of Pandit Pran Nath played by La Monte Young & Marian Zazeela'.

May 29th:
MAKE THE WORLD SAFE for poets & poetry, an open reading/ the poetry of GAIA with DIANA OZON
&. poets from Morocco, South Africa, Holland, England, USA, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Palestine, Japan.
Those who live in the TAZ of the threatened planet are welcome. Those who live in the undefined spaces of the inner continents: welcome. All poets: welcome. All lovers: welcome

May 30th:
Louise Landes Levi/(the Italian connection) reads from Selected works Banana Baby, Forthcoming/Super Nova 2006translated Alessandro Tuoni & THE HOUSE LAMPS HAVE BEEN LIT, But the Ignorant Continue to Live in the Dark, translator Rita degli Esposti, Supernova, 1995 & 2000, (in memoria: Franco Beltrametti)

May 31st:
The new media/ 'dial a poem'/ the internet zine, & the old: the note book/the napk in, the discarded envelop & the inscribed
stone. Louise Landes Levi reads from Internet/ CHORMA, www.portodeisanti.org. THE HIGHWAY QUEEN & HO. WWW.BIGBRIDGE.ORG Unpublished works/ from Street Theatre to the internet/ poets read works for eventual publication/DON BLOCH, LENNIE ST. LUCE & COR V.D. KEUK, The readings will close with a liberation of true poets/ the birds.Considered to confer long life & blessing on the liberators/ the birds weliberate will surely return to inspire us, which is, of course NOT the only reason to free them.

Afternoons/ 16:OO - 18.OO On going video/ Allen Ginsberg sings William Blake/Pull My Daisy by  Alfred Leslie/ Ira Cohen's Kings with Straw Mats/Women of Power/ Constanzo Allione's 5 partDocumentary on female saints of the East/Buddhist, Sufi & Christian.Babeth v. Loo's: Killing the Dream, brilliant documentary onHaiti's Crowing Rooster Party &  archival footage of ONE WORLD POETRY, Amsterdam 1978-86.

All these are events are free.
Visible Voice
Oudezijds Voorburgwal 160

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